Beijin the most popular selling dog stairs g time most popular selling dog stairs on April 28 morning m dog stairs essa dog stairs and ramps ge, occupy foreign media dvd discovery to report now, branch of the consumer goods that wear Er allows newly to be in charge of Steve Feilisi (Steve Felice) expresses, he this money year the profit that will still promote this the branch hard, but main way is met however from before dilate changes cost to control.
Cost control
dearfoam slipperThe outstanding achievement be a burden on of branch of the consumption that wear Er of whole company anabiosis. Feilisi began the Shuai Yin of branch of consumer goods of Dai Er of in control of this year in Feburary, continue to hold director of department of the medium and small businesses that wear Er part-time at the same time. He expresses, besid dog stairs for car es bilking the business client that feels unripe before, the kind that Dai Er has begun to key have the aid of develops new product and promote retail channel now will extend antenna.
Since Dai Er is old all the time with be being sold continuously famed at the world, the network sells a be this company more very main business continuously. But the investment that Dai Er begins to increase pair of retail channel recently, begin to sell computer in dog crates large Woerma and other and retail business, included the United States, Japan and the area such as China to all use this kind of means. Be in up to the money January 29 inside year, dai Er comes from the sale of retail channel to rise 6 billion dollar, this one word 2007 is 0.
But Feilisi expresses however, this kind of dilate caused harm to profit margin. On one money year, computer business contributed the income of 1/4 for Dai Er, but profit contribution is only however 3% . Feilisi says: "The negative effect that all these place brings depends on, we have not establish a kind of pattern, with determining the gain level that can accept. I hope to see the gain level this year can promote somewhat. I hope to see the gain level this year can promote somewhat..
Market share
As main user of Dai Er, the expenditure of large organization has begun to pick up. But the business that faces average user still is in bear price pressure, what partial reason depends on Hua Shuo and the brand such as grand Qi is cheap get online to swarm into the market in great quantities originally.
Low PC also weakened market position of Dai Er. Measure computation according to shipment, daier ever was manufacturer of global the biggest PC, but this company now however row HP and after grand Qi , reduce the whole world most popular selling dog crates large manufacturer of the 3rd big PC. Nevertheless, feilisi expresses, he won't be cost with sacrificial profit share of blind angle market.
Two branches that Feilisi is in charge of contributed the income that arranges an in part for Dai Er, he says: "We won't be immersed in this decoy. We still think, we can bec dog crates large strong ome the leader of market share, but we will achieve this one goal with appropriate gain level. But we will achieve this one goal with appropriate gain level..
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Feilisi expresses, to reduce expenditure, he plans to pass the means that shares resource with branch of medium and small businesses to reduce the jackknife of tiring-room operation. He thinks, because the fast dilate of retail channel produced additional cost, caused impact to retail mode of Dai Er, but this business will still continue to move toward " mature " . For example, build a relation to will offer the goods shelves space that has appeal more for Daierdi with shopkeeper.
Spare parts price
Tall canal of Dai Er people think, the element of another influence profit margin is component rise in price. The supplier cut scale of production during global economy crisis, but when demand get warm again after a cold spell, cannot increase in time however produce can.
Among them a demand is tight and the domain that rise in price is DRAM memory chip. Feilisi thinks, memory chip price has not hit a top, still will continue to climb henceforth litre, till 2010 second half of the year just can begin fall after a rise. He still expresses, a few otherer the price of component also is in rise in. But processor, LCD and hard disk price keep stable however.
Feilisi expresses, because consumer and enterprise begin to buy new computer, so that use system of advanced power source management, faster processor and Microsoft operating system of new fund Windows 7, because this PC demand will last,rebound. Specific to Dai Er, he thinks, be in up to the current quarter April 30 inside, this company will maintain " health anabiosises " .
Study the data of company IDC according to American market, this year first quarter, volume of global PC shipment rises 24% . Shipment volume of Dai Er is added fast behave under market whole, it is only 21% . (Book Yu)
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