Sunday, January 15, 2012

McAfee is by accident cutout incident apology says to will provide reasonable compensation

Beijing time on April 27 morning message, according to foreign media coverage, mcAfee of company of the software that reduce toxin expresses, will be last week of 3 by accident cutout incident is responsible, offer for consumer " reasonable compensation " . The McAfee software of 3 upgrades last week brought about worldwide inside the computer system of a lot of users break dog stairs for car s down.

McAfee makes a statement on the website express: "The domestic user that the company will affect to suffer and domestic office user provide compensation, the charge of the charge that compensation limits includes to pay maintenance store and other maintenance measure. The charge of the charge that compensation limits includes to pay maintenance store and other maintenance measure..

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Additional, mcAfee still will send a system to restore CD to consumer through express dog crates large best buy , the term of service that reduces McAfee poisonous software lengthens two years freely. The software of 3 affected moving Windows XP SP3 and enterprise edition McAfee VirusScan newlier to kill the user of poisonous software last week.

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McAfee expresses, software is newer Svchost.ex the most popular selling dog stairs e miscarriage of j dvd discovery ustice of file of this one important system became virus; Those who suffer an effect is much for company computer, but also affected computer of one fraction family expenses and computer of family expenses office.

By accident after cutout incident happens the following day in the morning, mcAfee was released revamp a program, state this program can res dvd discovery channel tore the computer system that break down.

Subsequently, mcAfee is in charge of Bali MacPherson high (Barry McPherson) published an apology on firm gain guest. most popular selling dvd discovery He say the best selling dog stairss: "Update the effect that causes to you and your organization to software, I express apologize greatly the best selling dog crates largeon behalf of McAfee. " (Qin Liang)

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