[Sai Di net] on April 27 mess dvd discovery 3 age, according to foreign media coverage, android market is opened to the enterprise mere after a few months, market of process of this shift application offerred 38 thousand many shift to use a program. The Gu Ge that rolls out its to open market of operating system of source software Android is applying program shop to the best selling dog crates large contend for the attention of people with the apple.
The report says, dog crates large strong market of Gu Ge Android has had program of 50 thousand application. But, anthony House of cereal song spokesman says, end on April 15, gu Ge has program of 38 thousand many application. The report that he is not willing to use a program t dog stairs and ramps o 50 thousand publishs a comment. norton internet antivirus
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No matter be 38 thousand still be process of 50 thousand application, android market remains the develops personnel platform of a the second popularity after shop of malic application process. Market of Gu Ge Android had experienced tremendous growth. This market uses a program 6000 times only when will be rolled out last year in December.
Android market develops personnel development to be able to make develop personnel to control appl dog stairs best buy ied process completely when to be mixed to all Android application processes adopt what means to provide an user. The applied program that establishs the development personnel that uses a program to be able to manage his for Android market, examine comment and grade and undertake updating.
Gartner vice-president and senior analyst Ken Dulaney say, android market of Gu Ge is charming. Gu Ge to developing personnel all the time very friendly and opener than the apple, easier collaboration. satin pjs
Want to maintain this rank to per most popular selling dvd discovery haps want to exceed an apple, gu Ge still has a lot of things to want to do. Dulaney says, gu Ge's biggest now question is them emphasizing this huge community to purchaser is Gu Ge those who drive. The problem of market of Gu Ge Android is each person advertises in oneself. This is like the shop that is not themselves then it seems that.
The analy dvd discovery channel st says, establishing an onefold identity for this shop is a serious mistake. Although Gu Ge has program of 38 thousand many application now, but that is insufficient.
dog crates largeDulaney says, development sta the best selling dvd discoveryff and consumer want to make the one part of this famous giant environment. Do not found an identity to be able to restrict consumer and development staff, also can restrict Gu Ge better the competition with apple and other manufacturer. The apple has program of 170 thousand application at present. The applied process shop that the manufacturer such as Palm, Microsoft, RIM and Nuojiya also rolled out him.
(Responsibility edits: Greatly dog stairs for bed )
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