The United States " Forbes " the websi dvd discovery best buy te is newest publish an article, introduce the sources of energy of many 1300 green of complete beauty to purchase a company. The Intel company shows itself from inside 10 the biggest companies, become 10 years to purchase the company with green most the sources of energy. It is article full text below:
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If your computer is used, is Intel processor, so these chip are made through wind energy, solar energy or earthly energy resources. Arrange of American environmental protection expresses, go 10 years, intel becomes green the sources of energy the biggest purchase business, bought 1.4 billion kilowatt hour in all but second birth the sources of energy. Although the Intel company never announces the capital that invests to purchase place of these the sources of energy, but according to energy industry average price comes estimation, altogether cost the likelihood 100 million dollar. memory laptop toshiba
Common cause and Marty Sedler of infrastructure chief inspector show Intel company whole world: "But although second birth the sources of energy has appeared, but use this kind of the sources of energy at present very wasteful still. Pass support but industry of second birth energy, we devote oneself to to make but second birth the sources of energy becomes more economy. From long-term point of view for, let everybody can use cheaper the sources of energy namely. Let everybody can use cheaper the sources of energy namely..
Arrange of American environmental protection started 2001 the name is " partner of green the sources of energy " project, aim to encourage an enterprise to buy but second birth the sources of energy. Through attracting but user of second birth energy, hope of bureau of American environmental protection can drive wind energy, solar energy, raw material can, ground heat energy most popular selling dog stairs and other but second birth the sources of energy generates elec most popular selling dvd discovery tricity the construction of the project.
The project gets each of big company take an active part in, from Woerma (the sheet that list a list of names posted up the 7th) to small business, arrive from the university learn an area, share orgnaization of many 1200 enterprise to become project member. A dog stairs and ramps rrange of American environmental protection expresses, go 3 years, big company altogether bought the green the sources of energy of hour of 7 billion kilowatt, managing carbon dioxide is equivalent to 644 thousand families 1 year with n.
loony tunes goldenA few enterprises and common cause orgnaization are signed " but second birth the sources of energy is transmitted " contract, another some of enterprise generates electricity in the spot. But most enterprise is through buying but line of credit of second birth the sources of energy (Renewable Energy Credits) will come true its are energy-saving of the target -- use but second birth the sources of energy generates electricity trillion made of baked clay hour, can get a line of credit. For example, the farmer that the Texas uses wind energy to generate electricity but its but line of credit of second birth the sources of energy (REC) turns to astral Buck, generate electricity like other a note of the ancient Chinese five-tone scale is same, sell a Texas electrified wire netting his electric power. Meanwhile, buck needs the star to be its business shop to buy electric power through orgnaization of local common cause only.
The 10 companies that buy one of homes greatly exited the sources of energy of a Ceng Shiqing clean completely to should plan, this kind of situation is very unusual. Company of 100 things coke is bought all the time in recent years but L/C of second birth the sources of the most popular selling dvd discovery energy undertakes all electric power trade, but announce to will suspend this plan last week, those who replace is, the company wil the most popular selling dog crates large l invest 3 dog crates large strong 00 million dollar 3 years in future, develop in oneself the site of factory but project of second birth energy.
Sedler expresses, future a few months, intel also will assemble a series of solar energy projects. The company still has an extensive and energy-saving project, express according to Sedler, this project already was a company at present managing the specific power consumption when 650 million ten million. But, become buy but the forerunner of second birth the sources of energy -- the energy-saving image that this promoted a company. He expresses: "Intel is but business provided power station of second birth the sources of energy finance support, the best selling dog crates large showed extraordinary leader power to be obtained approbate extensively. It dog stairs for car accomplished buccal mouth according to legend really. It accomplished buccal mouth according to legend really..
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