Sunday, January 15, 2012

Baoermo: Natal will make a person most this year into Microsoft hearten product

Beijing time on April 28 morning message, according to foreign media cov dvd discovery erage, silent of Er of Bao of · of husband of Microsoft CEO history the base of a fruit (Steve Ballmer) Zhou Yi expresses when elder dog stairs brother of Colombian capital wave addresses greatly most popular selling dog crates large , the Project the best selling dog crates large Natal of controller dog crates large of behavioral induction game of Microsoft will become Microsoft to make a person most this year the product of hearten.

The E3 game that Microsoft plans to was held in June this year is exhibited on release Project Natal, appear on the market formally date shops in the Christmas this year surely season.

plant lights

Baoermo says: "Probably we roll out this year make a person most the product of hearten wi dog stairs for bed ll come from video game department. You may say, why should I discuss video game to a flock of CEO? Because this is a very current technology the most popular selling dvd discovery , and the other sphere that we can see this technology enters us to live soon. And the other sphere that we can see this technology enters us to live soon..

Baoermo still expresses: "We call Natal this skill. It by smal the best selling dog stairsl-sized photograph comprise like head and a m the most popular selling dog stairs icrophone, can put in TV coping. If you want to control TV, do not need to use the game device with giant perhaps remote controller. If want to change a table, want to use gesticulation to be able to be finished only, computer can identify your sound and your signal. Computer can identify your sound and your signal..

Baoermobenci South-American travel basically is the network service that discusses Microsoft with the user, include the product such as Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, Office Communications Online, Live Meeting, CRM Online. (Book Yu)

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