[north face shirtsdispatch of Sai Di net] on April 29 message, according to foreign media coverage, the personage inside course of study Xiwen Gesaier (Sven Gossel) expressed a few days ago, microsoft will be in in the monopoly position of IT market future disappears inside 5 years.
Gesaier's reason is, the center of IT market tilts to the smart dog stairs for car phone by PC gradually, and the best selling dog stairs Microsoft had lost a chance in smartphone market. Gesaier says, in smartphone market, microsoft action is s the best selling dvd discoveryluggish, far not as good as apple and Gu Ge.
Gesaier dog crates large breed says: "Microsoft ever had sa the most popular selling dog stairs id before New Year, the best selling dog crates largeapplied shop will be rolled out in June 2009, but fail to cash. The Windows Phone 7 nowadays also wants next year dog stairs and ramps ability to appear on the market, time is everything, such defer represents the delay of a new product not just. Such defer represents the delay of a new product not just.. modern dining chairs
t mobile prepaid cardsTo the Kin mobile phone that Microsoft near future releases, gesaier is what its say " children product " , bring too much battalion impossibly to close to Microsoft.
Compare with photograph of mobile phone hardware, mobile phone operating system is more important. 2007, the market share of apple and the most popular selling dog crates large RIM is very small, but mere time of two years is rapid and occupational the market. Gesaier thinks, the smartphone will replace traditional mobile phone inside 5 years.
Gartner data shows, share of Microsoft smartphone market was only 2009 8% . The proponent of Windows Mobile grand amount to report to abandon Microsoft basically also, convert a group of people of same interest of Gu Ge Android. In rising market, what consumer goes after is a smartphone, is not PC, this is dog crates large strong a few problems that Microsoft place faces.
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