Sunday, January 15, 2012

LG electron is announced 2010 money signs up for net first quarter 590 million dollar

  Bit net (Chinabyte) 4 month 29 days of messages LG electron is released yesterday end on March 31 2010 money signs up for f most popular selling dog crates large irst quarter, data shows LG electron total battalion receives 13.7 trillion Han first quarter yuan (add up to) of 11.9 billion dollar about, press the best se dvd discovery channel lling dog crates large Han Yuan plan to rise compared to the same period 3.7%(presses dollar plan to grow 28%) ; Operation profit 529 billion Han Yuan (add up to) of 462 million dollar about, press Han Yuan plan to grow 2.6%(to press dollar plan to grow 26%) compared to the same period, net profit 675 billion Han Yuan (a most popular selling dog stairs dd up to) of 590 million dollar about. dog crates large

Ministry of career of LG family entertainment the sale first quarter relatively on year the corresponding period grew 20% , amount to 5.2 trillion Han yuan (add up to) of 4.5 billion dollar about, busin dog stairs and ramps ess profit achieves 182 billion Han yuan (add up to) of 159 million dollar. norton internet antivirus

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Ministry of career of LG electric home appliances

LG business uses solution career department sale grew 15.4% compared to the same period first quarter, amount to 1.3 trillion Han yuan (add up to) of 1.1 billion dollar.

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