watch casesBeijing time is early on April 28 a message, according to foreign media coverage, a spokesman denied IBM yesterday the message that this company plans 3/4 cutting down the member of persons employed, weigh this kind of view " special absurdity " .
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Before this, management of capital of manpower of department of advisory business of company of IBM of cite of a magazine is in charge of Dimu Ruige (the word of Tim Ringo) says, IBM plans to cut down global 3/4 complete player is versed in, amount of will full-time employee is cut down from present 399 thousand person to the dog stairs 100 thousand pe dvd discovery 3 rson 2017, return with contract work form acco dvd discovery 4 rding to working need again next hire these employee, thi the most popular selling dvd discovery s one process is called again numerous bag mode. The word of dagger of luck of this magazine quote says: "(after cutting down the member of persons employed) do not have office site cost already, also leave out pension and cost of medical treatment insurance, can save a large sum of defray. Can save a la dog stairs best buy rge sum of defray..
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To this, IBM spokesman Doug Xieerdu (the v dv dog stairs for car d discovery channel iew that Doug Shelton) calls luck dagger " special dog stairs and ramps absurdity " , say this company did not plan to cut down the member of persons employed 75% , and be known according to Xieerdu, IBM also had not considered similar plan cutting down the member of persons employed. He says: "Company position can be not represented if employee says. In fact, his view and the practice that IBM goes run in the opposite direction, the IBM in 8 years invested energetically in the past extended employee amount. Since 2002, we are in the whole world in all recruit 80 thousand new employee. We are in the whole world in all recruit 80 thousand new employee..
Xieerdu emphasizes saying, although one of working duty of lucky dagger are to solve manpower resource problem, but he is not subject at group of IBM manpower resources, because this uses defence wo dog crates large best buy rks in IBM,is decision making authority on appropriate. (Xiao Bin)
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