Sunday, January 15, 2012

HP buys Palm meaning to be in WebOS operating system

Beijing time is early on April 29 a message, according to foreign media coverage, HP Zhou Sanxuan cloth buys Palm with 1.2 billion dollar. HP strategy and company grow senior vice president Br most popular selling dog stairs ian Hengfulisi (Brian dog stairs and ramps Humphries) expresses, HP is bou dog crates large strong ght this sum meaning the WebOS operating system in Palm. plant lights

Hengfulisi expresses: "This is a very good opportunity, silicon Valley two big companies close together. WebOS is first-rate mobile phone operating system. Our purpose is times doubler on WebOS chip in. Our purpose is times doubler on WebOS chip in..

Palm was searching the person that buy all the time for some time in th most popular selling dvd discovery e past, because the future of this WebOS is put in uncertainty, this basically depends on which company will buy Palm finally. For example, there is a hearsay to say before th dvd discovery channel is grand amount to report (HTC) is in in competition banner. If grand amount to report to buy Palm, cannot be sure whether this company can abandon the collaboration with Microsoft and Gu Ge so, turn and use oneself operating system.

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Nonexistent to HP such problem. Although HP and song of small kind cereal cooperate, but a HP still is not smartphone domain so far important participator. Trade through this, HP hopes to alter such aspect.

To WebOS, hengfulisi expresses: "We think this is current and first-rate operating system. Any products that developing are in 3 to WebOS cannot be chased inside 5 years. We hope to use HP to be in the advantage of financial aspect, web dog crates large dogs OS promotion comes a new standard. WebOS promotion comes a new standard..

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He expresses at the same time: "We will compete actively with apple and cereal song in the market. We had touched a very conspicuous operating system. " he expresses, HP will continue to face developer to open this operating system, maintain the friendly sex of this system.

Hengfulisi thinks, need not fear the apple can be stared at in patent respect on HP. He expresses: "I think, we do not have necessary and excessive concern. We respect an apple. " buy through this, HP obtained Palm to hold more than 1500 some patent at present. There is an analysis to think before this, these patent will be to attract grand the mainest factor that amounts to report to buy Palm, also be the main reason that the apple did most popular selling dog crates large not sue Palm at the same time.

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Hengfulisi did not divulge the product of HP future plans, but the key that the best selling dog crates largeadmits this trades at the same time depends on WebOS operating system, is not the hardware of Palm. The sale status of mobile phone product of Palm not beautiful, this is the main reason that brings about Palm to be forced to sell. In addition, how will the concern between discussion Palm and operation business grow at present return premature. The personage inside course of study predicts, these collaboration concern will terminative, and HP general and operation business reach new cooperative agreement.

HP expresses in announcement, si Tan of Lu Bin of Palm CEO · fining jade (Jon Rubinstein) predicts will remain in office. There is a hearsay to say before this, the many Palm tall valve that includes Lubinsitan inside will leave his post. Hengfulisi rejects the part buy that holds the position of at present to Lubinsitan to judge, the most popular selling dog stairs and a spokesman expresses HP, HP is considering how to persuade the crucial member of Palm group to stay. (Dimension gold)

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